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thumbnail Fig. #8201;5

Each row shows a grey-scale image of the Spitzer 3.6 #8201; #956;m observations, superimposed with grey contours indicating the 1.4 #8201;GHz observations and black contours showing the 4.8 #8201;GHz (left panel) and 8.6 #8201;GHz (middle panel) observations. The IFRS are always the sources at the image centres. Contours start at 3 #963; and increase by factors of 2. The 1.4 #8201;GHz restoring beam and the 4.8 #8201;GHz/8.6 #8201;GHz restoring beams, which are the same size, are indicated with ellipses in the lower left corners of the images. The right panel shows the flux density measurements available for a source and 3 #963; upper limits where no detection was made (indicated with arrows). The solid line indicates the best available spectral index, and dashed lines indicate a power-law with an index 1 #963; larger and 1 #963; smaller than determined by the data. We note that all sources have a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 9 in the 1.4 #8201;GHz observations, so there is no doubt that they are real sources and not spurious.

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In the text
Case Singular Plural
nominative valor valōrēs
genitive valōris valōrum
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